I need all the help I can get.
NOAA says the Boulder area has some of the highest peak wind events of any city in the U.S. I believe it, all day the wind has been at about 50 mph and this hasn't been the only day. I also did some checking and my area also only receives approximately 14 inches of moisture per year with July being the driest of the summer months. Great. Cold, dry winters, too. Couple this information with my area being a zone 4 out on the open plain beneath the foothills of the Rockies where those winds come sweeping down and you have some harsh growing conditions.
This previous weekend, I notified the seed/plant catalog companies I normally purchase from, of my new address in order to begin planning what I would like to plant this coming growing season. The more I learn about this growing environment, the more I realize I am out of my element, my comfort zone. I've never grown anything in conditions like this before. Yes, I have much educating of my middle-aged brain to do. And quickly.
Hence, my plea for your help. If you have any advice, experience, or resources to direct me to, I would love you forever if you would share. I do intend to contact the cooperative extension for advice and information, although I will not be able to pursue the Master Gardener program here at this time, maybe next year.
I'm thinking grasses, prairie plants, natives and such but must learn what those are first. Direct me with specifics, please :-) I will be posting a photo soon of the house around which I will be gardening to give you an idea of the style of the structure to which the gardens will be married.
As I begin this new gardening journey, I will document with photos and journal entries my progress. Whether successful or not, you can join me in my new experience.
Come along and let the experiment begin! I look forward to your suggestions.
Steph: you just made the perfect argument for embracing a sustainable model for your garden, seeking out native and adapted plants that thrive under adverse conditions. Learn from nature and observe the best of the best in gardens around you. When gardeners move they have to reinvent not only their palette, but their aesthetic. You'll have fun - Luke, use The Force.
I live at 3100" el. in North Cent. Oregon, Zone 4 (1 by Sunset). I don't deal with the wind to the extent you do, but you'll be surprised at what you can grow: peonies,roses, grasses, strawberries rasp.,rhubarb,delphium and the like. Dahlias are a challenge, but I always try, as is the case with tomatoes. Bush varities do well. Raised beds will make a difference, but I don't use them.
GWG: I definitely want the best garden possible for my conditions. I still want "Mr Happy" for my garden and will work with sustaining him in a container garden :-)
I cannot WAIT to try rhubarb now that I am out of the south and to try the strawberries I never got around to last year. There are many options and I aim to explore all of them!
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