Twitter whets my appetite for information, friendship and sharing. Nevermore than now, during my self-imposed house/dog-sitting exile on top of this snowy mountain.
This week is reminiscent of that time back in March when I broke my ankle i.e. too much time on my hands and not enough to do, therefore I am spending inordinate amounts of time on the computer (especially Twitter and FaceBook but here I will be referencing mainly Twitter). But that is not necessarily all bad! There is a wealth about life you can learn from others! Contrary to belief, the internet is NOT a total waste of time.
In addition to enabling me to connect with family and friends, both old and new, social media can be truly educational, encouraging and enlightening, not to mention entertaining. There are quite a few characters out there whom I have enjoyed getting to know! You wouldn't BELIEVE what I have found on Twitter! I will share it with you someday :-) It's AWESOME! But for now . . .
Here are just a few of the links I have looked at and learned from today. This is a drop in the proverbial bucket as to the volumes of information available to you via, in this case, Twitter and FaceBook. Browse them at your leisure and you just might find something to interest you, too!
Click on the embedded links to enjoy what I did! Take your pick!
Truly hilarious from kissmyaster
Amazing photos from AmazingPics 2009 Nature's Best Photography
Jim Goldstein's take on Embracing the Imperfect Image
Hear about the earthquake FIRST from Interleafer
Gaze on my childhood idol Donny Osmond every so often, he's always nice to look at :-)
Be inspired and learn how digging in the dirt changed lives not just for one family but for families across the nation
Learn about new ways, coming down the pipeline, to garden for your kitchen from Jennifer Bartley
Discover how gardening is different yet the same around the country (begin with my friend Susan's blog and access the other's at the bottom of her recent posting, I found someone in MY new area I can look to for help as a result!)
Do you have ANY idea how important getting in touch with the natural world is? Shawna Coronado can share with you how it basically saved her from a horrible life!
And of course, if you're into garden porn, you can't go wrong with this scintillating, mouth-watering offering of pics from Arcadia1
Speaking of titillating, I learned of a "must-have" plant last night that you MUST take a look at and you will see why it caused quite a stir on Twitter recently. Annie's Annuals has this one! Just call him 'Mr. Happy'!
What interests me, might not speak to your likes but this is intended to show you how simply wonderful these places on the web can be and there are truly amazing people out there just waiting to make your acquaintance.
Give it a go. Look for me: @gettingdirty . See ya on Twitter!
Great post Steph, not just because you called me scintillating either! Thank you for including me.
I really like the idea and the way you went about this. I may steal a version of this someday.
LOLOL Absolutely the best Follow Friday post I've ever seen, bar none. I think if anybody wants to do a Follow Friday from now on, it must be done in exactly this way.
No more tweeting out a list of names without at least ONE word about WHY? (Oh, and the pressure not to forget anyone? It's worse than middle school.)
Steph, from our strange beginnings to this point YOU have become one of the most inspiring people I've met on Twitter. Your move to Colorado has been so brave, and one can read a story between your tweets (the things you don't tell us about) that is compelling.
As a Buddhist I fully believe the power of isolated retreat can help you see things clearer, and I congratulate you on completing a retreat of your own (including your attacks of 'get-me-out-of-here' which the Tibetans call 'Lung!')
Many, many people are looking forward to meeting you in person when you come down from your mountain and get warm with us at the SF Garden Show in March. Thanks so much for writing this.
(Oh, and I would've been first with the aftershock report today if I hadn't accidentally been typing in the Direct Msg Box, lost precious seconds, doh!)
Fun read and lots of folks I know on your list. Great minds with great taste think alike. Glad you're down off the mountain. Hopefully your comfy and warm not. Gotta run and check some of your links.
I'm still tryin to figure out a way to incorporate Twitter into my scheme of things. For someone like me, usin only 140 characters is like tryin to write a 400 word article in three seconds or less.
Christina: Thank you! It's not stealing, consider it shamelessly borrowing :-)
Laura: Your words are the kindest ever! Thank you. You are the sweetest and I ditto you back as to how inspiring you are. I love your enthusiasm for life!! Isolation has made me appreciate some specific things more and even showed me something about myself. I as well cannot wait to meet Twitter peeps!
Gardenwiseguy: I'm sure you meant now and not, not :-) Thank you for your compliment. Always means much coming from you not. :-)
thewritegardener: I understand from whence you come. I am wordy (oh yeah!) but I consider it a challenge designed to "hone" me :-) You can do it! I'll look for your more frequent to come tweets!
Christina: Thank you! It's not stealing, consider it shamelessly borrowing :-)
Laura: Your words are the kindest ever! Thank you. You are the sweetest and I ditto you back as to how inspiring you are. I love your enthusiasm for life!! Isolation has made me appreciate some specific things more and even showed me something about myself. I as well cannot wait to meet Twitter peeps!
Gardenwiseguy: I'm sure you meant now and not, not :-) Thank you for your compliment. Always means much coming from you not. :-)
thewritegardener: I understand from whence you come. I am wordy (oh yeah!) but I consider it a challenge designed to "hone" me :-) You can do it! I'll look for your more frequent to come tweets!
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